Photo Bombs

Its my birthday and for a set of complex reasons best described as my magpie tendencies,  I got up at 4.50 this morning to take a very complicated (but ultimately dirt cheap) journey to Bristol via just about everywhere. 


I’ve also made a set of photo bombs to give out on the way, because I’ve wanted to do a project like this for a while after seeing A Family Of’s work.


The photo bombs are a series of 5 6×6 format phone pics and a mini zine, packaged in a brown envelope,  sealed with a shredded hand made sticker.


The sticker idea is a thought I’m working through, shredded pictures put back together as if it’s recovered evidence


…I’m working on it, I’ll get back to you

One thought on “Photo Bombs”

  1. This looks great! Where did you go in Brizzle? I’ve done “photobombs” before in my home town and they were so perplexed they put it in the local newspaper.

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